Of all human inventions, the mirror is perhaps the most intriguing, since it is so closely connected with human consciousness, reflecting both reality and illusion


Endowed with water bodies that cover over 8.5% of the total land area, the scenic beauty of Batticaloa lies in its lagoons


Urban regeneration is driven through the goals and objectives which are cohesively the foundation of the ultimate urban vision. As urban designers and architects alike strive to achieve their set goals through a practiced process it is inbuilt in the visions alone to achieve a degree of originality through their work in the given urban set up.


Sri Lanka is at crossroads. After a 30 year conflict that brought great hardships to the people and endless destruction to its built-environment, Sri Lanka has finally emerged victorious in bringing the avalanche of social, cultural and environmental catastrophes of the past 30 years to a complete halt.


Continuing an ancient Buddhist temple building tradition, Archt Chinthaka Wickramage drew inspiration from ‘Tam pita viharas’ (building on pillars) for the community centre in Thalalla, Matara.


The 30th Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects will be held at the BMICH from February 22-26, 2012. The public events of the Session are


Members of the SLIA have been regularly receiving recognition at the Indian Architect of the Year Awards. The SLIA is proud that a talented member received recognition this year too.


The Golden Award for Global Contribution to Architecture, a lifetime award was presented to Archt. C. Anjalendran recently in New Delhi.

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